The Therapeutic Relationship in Counselling: Why It Matters

In counselling, the connection between the counsellor and the client, known as the therapeutic relationship, is extremely important. This relationship helps create a safe and supportive environment where clients can talk about their deepest concerns. In this article, we’ll look at what the therapeutic relationship is, why it’s important, how it’s built, and what can […]

Navigating Mental Health Struggles

In recent years, mental health awareness has seen significant progress, but many individuals in the UK still grapple with their mental wellbeing. According to statistics from Mind, approximately one in four people will experience a mental health problem each year. The prevalence of mental health issues underscores the necessity of accessible and effective support systems. […]

Understanding the Karpman Drama Triangle: A guide to how we interact with others.

The Karpman Drama Triangle, developed by psychiatrist Stephen Karpman, provides a fascinating lens through which to view our interactions with others, particularly in conflict situations. This model, first introduced in 1968 articulates the unconscious scripts we follow in our relationships based on early life experiences. The Three Roles of the Drama Triangle The Drama Triangle […]

Your Road Map to Healing and Growth: Discover Person-Centred Therapy with JPL Counselling

Welcome to a pivotal moment in your journey towards self-discovery and healing. If you've been grappling with feelings of anxiety, depression, grief or facing challenges in your relationships, career, or simply seeking a deeper understanding of yourself, know that you're not alone. Recognising the need for support is a significant and commendable first step. This […]

I think I need counselling!

Realising that you may need counselling often arises from various life situations that can lead to emotional discomfort or psychological distress. People come to counselling for a variety of reasons, each deeply personal and significant in its own right. Here are some reasons why people might seek counselling: Life Transitions: Changes, even positive ones, can […]

The Surprising Benefits of Talking for Mental Health | Person-Centred Therapy Insights

The Healing Power of Talking Ever felt a weight lift off your shoulders after sharing your troubles with a friend? That’s talking therapy in its simplest form - a great tool that can help unravel the tangled threads of our thoughts and feelings. It’s not just about venting. It’s about understanding, processing, and sometimes even […]

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